20 Years ago…

The first website went online on April 30th, 1993. Relatively few people were probably privileged enough to even see such a thing, much less have a way to get to it. Many of the websites that came a short period after this one have either been updated or eliminated, but the creators of this one decided to bring it back from the dead. Let’s take a look:


I wonder how long that took to load back in ’93? No styling, no videos, no mobile version, not even any images. Just Times New Roman on a white background. However, there’s lots of links ranging from browsers you could use to access the internet (I don’t think any of them exist anymore, and you have to go through a ton of steps just to POSSIBLY download them), to an information page that has links to campaign materials from 1992 and the Bible (there was no such thing as a search engine to find these things, yet).

We’ve definitely come a long way since then, but it’s nice to see the beginning. It’s pretty much a museum or time machine that you can now access from the comfort of your home computer…or anywhere on any device, since this is 2013.

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